10 most awesome psychological facts

Here are 10 most awesome psychological facts. Number 1. It is impossible to stay angry at someone you love. Anger lasting for more than 3 days indicates that you’re not in love. Number 2. We’re only capable of being close with about 150 people in our life. Number 3. The very last person on your mind before you fall asleep is either the reason for your happiness or your pain. Number 4. Chewing gum while studying, then chewing the same flavored gum while taking the test can help you remember what you studied. Number 5. We are more attracted to people wearing red . Number 6. The more homework a child receives, the more likely that child is to suffer from depression. Number 7. The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the harder you fall for that person. Number 8. The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function . Number 9. The less you say, the more your words will matter. Number 10. The older you get, the fewer people you trust. Which facts made you more surprized please ...

Most famous speech of swami vivekanad at cicago

Here the full text of Swami Vivekanand's speech at the parliament of religion, Chicago.

In english....

In Hindi....

This is a speech which is most famous speech on religion.....

We peoples are proud to a citizen of India............☺☺☺☺☺


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